Ready to feel EXTRAORDINARY and start living up to your full potential?
You're in the right place!

Do you feel like you lack confidence, clarity or motivation?

Do you feel stuck or held back in some way, like there is so much more in store for you but you just can't seem to break through?

Do you suffer from feelings of self-doubt, depression or shame?

Do you wish you had the support you need to feel held, seen and heard so you can clarify and step into your life purpose?

Do you want to wake up every morning feeling great about yourself and the life you live?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone!
I felt that way for YEARS! I could feel the potential for so much more, but I felt held back, unable to create the life I truly desired, unable to express or tap into my true purpose.
I read a lot of books, signed up to a lot of programs and certifications hopeful it would help me move forward. But I didn't have the support or accountability I needed to really gain insights from all the information I was absorbing.
"It's not what you know, but what you live that makes all the difference."
Chances are, you do not need more training, knowledge or information either. What you need is more experience, accountability, and support so you can clarify what it is that you want to be, do, have, create or express out in the world.
All successful people know they need support and accountability.
Not because they can afford it, but because they know they can’t afford not to. You cannot do this alone. I know, because I tried for years. I have been on my own since I am 16 years old. I have had to figure things out my whole life. I am a true Jill-of-all-trades. But for all I had accomplished, I still couldn't get past a hidden barrier that kept me feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
"We cannot see our own blind spots. that's why we need community."
You are not meant to figure it all out on your own. We all need to have a support system to help you see your hidden blocks, shed barriers, and grow into the EXTRAORDINARY person you know deep down you already are.
If you feel stuck, stagnant, or unable to move forward, despite all your knowledge and experience, you are definitely not alone.
It's time to surround yourself with others walking the path, taking action to gain insights and clarity, and willing to step into a vibrant and fulfilling life. You need to spend time with people who understand and want to support your growth. You need to feel the rewarding experience of helping others on their journey while feeling the support of others encouraging you on your journey.
That's what we do together at INDIVISIBLE.
Ready to step into Indivisibility?
Sign me up! I want to be INDIVISIBLE!Indivisible is my signature 3-day LIVE event to help you unlock your hidden potential and break through perceived limitations so you can step into your purpose, feel fulfilled and live your most vibrant and EXTRAORDINARY life!
Yes! I want to be INDIVISIBLE!

That which cannot be divided or split.

Knowing who you are, so you become unshakable.

Assuming Responsibility
Taking ownership for all areas of your life.

Commitment to truth, not a fragment of what is true.

Perfect Essence
Connected to your essence - who you are at your core - which is perfect.

Being all you are designed to be with nothing added or taken away.

Realization there is only love.

Setting a clear intention to choose love.

Being your most authentic and essential self.
“Our essence is divided when we judge ourselves or others because judgement is a fragment, not the whole. We are so much more than any of our parts.”
ā€• Marie-Josee Borduas
You might be thinking, "WHAT? I have never heard of INDIVISIBILITY before!"
This word came to me after the birth of my first daughter and again years later when I had an epiphany about who we truly are at our core - our essential self - and the struggle we all face. It all boils down to one basic principle:
You are love and love is INDIVISIBLE.
Anything that takes you away from being love is not you - it is not your essence - it's a fragmented part of who you are. It's you when you are prone to DIVISIBILITY.
You see, the human struggle we all face is a struggle between our heart that says, "dare greatly, try new things, step out and live your most exciting and vibrant life," and the mind or ego that says, "no, stay safe, do not risk, do not let yourself be seen because you will be judged."
INDIVISIBLE is my signature 3-day LIVE online event to help restore you back to your essential self, so you know who you are, what you want to accomplish and begin to take action towards creating your most EXTRAORDINARY life.
Are you ready to be INDIVISIBLE?
Yes! I want to be INDIVISIBLE!"You are best equipped to define who you are, your vision and your purpose when you have a safe space to voice your thoughts, ideas and insights."
- Marie-Josee Borduas
An INDIVISIBLE Woman is ...

She is clear with her boundaries: fluid and flexible yet clear and precise. Her mind is at peace and serves her highest good.

She knows her value and worth, is comfortable in her skin and delights in giving and receiving compliments

She is playful and easily taps into the blissful energies that come through living with an open heart.

She is open to the insights and ideas that life itself is waiting to share with her.

She knows love is all there is and is able to discern and surrender to love.

She assumes responsibility for her part in all relationship dynamics and the life she is manifesting.

She is able to move from struggle to possibility by remaining curious about her experience.

She is able to process "negative" emotions and inner blockages to return to herself and her true power.

She relates to others with kindness and a deeper understanding of our shared human essence.
“INDIVISIBLE means we seek to see the whole picture, not a mere fragment, for the truth. We strive to see wholeness and completion in ourselves, others, and the world.”
ā€• Marie-Josee Borduas
The bottom line is, nothing changes if nothing changes.
It's up to you to take action to step into your purpose and destiny. It doesn't just happen one day. It's something you cultivate, from within, much like tending a garden.
I decided a long time ago I wanted to focus my life on planting what I wanted to cultivate in my garden, not plucking out weeds.
"Focus on what you want, not what you do not want."
But it also doesn't happen alone. I stubbornly tried doing it alone for years. It just left me more frustrated thinking maybe it wasn't meant to be for me.
No matter where you are on your journey, if you are here, reading this page, I know that INDIVISIBLE is precisely what you need to give you the support, clarity and confidence you need to step into the purpose you feel deep down, wanting to burst forth, to live your EXTRAORDINARY life.
INDIVISIBLE is a 3-day LIVE online event where you can clarify your purpose, develop confidence, improve strategies and continue to practice with like minded people on a similar path of growth, discovery and living life on purpose.
I want to register.The next INDIVISIBLE event happens October 11-13, 2024
10am-7pm EST
This is a LIVE online EXPERIENTIAL eventĀ that will leave you energized, supported, and ready to take action!Ā You will be engaged with others, encouraged to practiceĀ exercises and actively applying what you learn immediately.
That's why I guarantee your experience!
NEW Pay-What-You-Can Pricing Levels:
For a limited time only, the full access price includes additional bonuses.
- 1 ticket to INDIVISIBLE LIVE ($397 fair value).
- 1 additional ticket for only $1 for a friend to attend INDIVISIBLE LIVE with you ($397 fair value).
- Weekly improv sessions for 12 weeks to continue to embody and live the work started at INDIVISIBLE. (Rotating times: Thursdays, 8am, 12pm and 7pm EST - $120 fair value)
- Weekly group Insightful Conversation sessions for 12 weeks so you have the support you need to transform your life this year, creating insights, clarity and taking action. (Tuesdays, 8am EST and 3rd Thurs of the month at 7pm EST - $300 fair value)
- 1:1 private transformation session to get to the root of one thing blocking you and increase possibility. (value $125)
I’m so confident that this event will help you unlock or shift something in your life, for the better, that I’m 100% guaranteeing your experience.
If at the end of the first day, you’re not convinced that INDIVSIBLE is worth your investment, just let me know after the end of Day 1 and before the beginning of Day 2, and I’ll gladly give you your money back, no questions asked.
There is NO RISK whatsoever, and nothing to stand between you and your superpower of INDIVISIBILITY!ā€‹
And if, for any reason you cannot make it live, email me at least 7 days prior to the event to either transfer your ticket to a friend or use it at the next event.
Want a sneak peak?
Click the offer below for more details.
Are you ready?
If not now, then when? How much longer will you wait to create the lasting change needed in your life? Will you let another year slip away leaving next year to be the exact same as last year? Or will you invest in yourself and surround yourself with people ready to step to the next level?
I want to be INDIVISIBLE!About Me
My name is Marie-Josee.
I am a mom of two beautiful girls, wife to an amazing husband, and creator of a life I absolutely love to wake up to every day.
We live part of the year on a beautiful island in the Caribbean called Montserrat, and the other part in Toronto, Canada.
I have a double-major in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario.
I spent the first half of my career in front of a computer screen saving companies time and money. Then, in 2016 my mother passed away prematurely of pancreatic cancer. They say that death spurs you into action. It is when you realize that your life is finite that you throw away all the reasons why not, and pursue all the reasons why.
I decided that life was meant to be lived. I now create online spaces where people can connect, practice spontaneity and authenticity through play to live an authentic life.
You get one chance at this life.
Live boldly. Live passionately. Live with purpose.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Let's talk! Let's figure out where you feel stuck and what you most desire to create. Schedule a call now.