Life Mastery
Your Destiny is Calling You.
Are you living your best life?
Or do you feel stuck unable to break through an invisible barrier?
Unlock your hidden potential and break through perceived limitations so you can live a life truly worthy of you!
Complete this form to receive more information.

Have you ever felt a tugging at your heart?

A sort of longing to be, do, have, create or experience something greater?

Is there a restlessness compelling you to reach beyond what you have allowed yourself to dream so far?

Do you feel stuck by an invisible barrier that seems to be holding you back or closing in on you?

Have you ever thought you need help to break through?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone!
So many people feel weighed down by an invisible barrier, shame or guilt.
It is both real and an illusion.
There is no denying the force it exerts on your life, yet, simple changes can dismantle that wall as though it never existed.
That's my story. For years I struggled with this invisible wall - no windows or doors, no way to dig under or climb over it. Every time I came face to face with it was a source of depression, despair, struggle. I was a hard worker, I accomplished a lot, I pushed through. But the invisible barrier still remained.
I thought it came from generational wounding - a deep scaring left inside of me, to the depths of my soul.
I took all the right course, read and listened to best books and studied them. Still, the silent obstacle remained. Until I figured out ...
"It's not what you know, but what you live that makes all the difference."
Chances are, if you are here, you have been trying to find a way to overcome some obstacle in your life too. I want you to know you don't need more knowledge. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. It only keeps you in a cycle of wanting to know more.
What you need is to take action, put into practice what you know, and have a safe space to share thoughts and insights. It's all about taking continued action forward, towards the life of your dream. And this happens through accountability, support and practices that encourage you to keep stepping forward.
Shame and guilt, the feeling of brokenness, the feeling something is wrong with you, all it does is keeps you struggling on your own. But, you are not meant to do this alone.
You are not meant to have figured it all figured out either. You don't need clear action steps. You need a support system to ensure that you are seen, heard and remain true to your highest potential.
You are already EXTRAORDINARY.
The wall is you not knowing or owing it YET.
And if you feel stuck, stagnant, or unable to move forward or breathe through it, despite all the trainings and books, you are definitely not alone.
I struggled for years to discover who I am and trust this voice of yearning.
And it all changed the day I invested in myself and surrounded myself with people walking a similar path who understood the power of community to hold and support your growth. You need to feel the rewarding experience of helping others on their journey while feeling the support of others encouraging you on your journey.
That's what joining Life Mastery offers you - a path to follow your destiny.
Want more information? Fill out the simple form on this page to get started.
Yes! I want more information.“There are three types of people in this world. The people who make things happen. The people who watch things happen. And the people who ask, 'what happened?'
Which do you want to be?”
― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success
What's Included:

Daily Lessons
Bite-size audio recorded lessons to understand concepts, one small step at a time.

Key questions to help you dig deeper into each idea.

Lesson Summary
Quick lesson summary because repetition is the mother of learning.

1:1 Coaching
Up to 4 private 1:1 coaching sessions with me to help you get to the root of any blocks.

Insightful Conversation Sessions
Weekly group sessions to have meaningful discussions, share ideas, thoughts and insights to springboard your growth.

Unlimited Q&A
Q&A Coaching via email for 12 weeks. That's like a navigation system at your fingertips.
You might be wondering about the investment?
I spent well over $20,000 on different training certifications, books and audio books. And if you are here, maybe you did too. But what those programs lacked is time to immerse in ideas, turn insights into words that create clarity and spark action, accountability and the opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas. It's not until I joined a mastermind that I had the support I needed to breakthrough.
That's what Life Mastery offers.
And the investment is a fraction of what you might think for such an incredible offering. And for a limited time it's an additional 60% off!
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by checking out this opportunity. Just fill out the form to get more details on 3 months of support, accountability and visibility.
I am curious! Send me more details!"You are best equipped to define who you are, your vision and your purpose when you have a safe space to voice your thoughts, ideas and insights."
- Marie-Josee Borduas
The benefits of having a support group to be seen, heard, and witnessed cannot be underestimated.

Increased insights and self-discovery.

Increased accountability.

Improved performance and productivity.

Winning mindset.

Improved confidence.

Enhanced perception.

Improved learning and retention.

Improved relationships.

Improved quality of life.

Valuable life skills.
Are you ready to live an EXTRAORDINARY life?
Yes! I want to be EXTRAODINARY.The bottom line is, if you want to step into your EXTRAORDINARY - creating the momentum you need to overcome any perceived obstacle in your life or business - you need support.
All successful people recognize the need for accountability and support to break through to their next level.
What would it be like to create a breakthrough in your life in the next 3 months?
Life Mastery is strategically designed helps you increase your confidence in yourself and discover your unique gifts and genius through daily practice while creating accountability on what you claim in important to you so you can step into the EXTRAORDINARY person you already are, if only you owned it.
If you are honest, deep down you know you are EXTRAORDINARY. You just need someone to shine a mirror for you to see it.
That's what Life Mastery offers.
Send me details.“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas
Over the 3 months together we will ...

Create a larger field of receptivity and open to possibilities.

Clarify what you most deeply desire to be, do, have, express or create.

Ensure your values match your desires.

Increase your confidence.

Set clear intentions.

Build courage and determination.

Discover the key ingredient to manifest to your fullest potential.

Increase presence so you can notice patterns, and hold your vision.

Increase discipline through the power of habits.

Commit to step forward into your extraordinary life.
Are you ready to live an EXTRAORDINARY life?
Yes! I am interested.The need for more information will always keep you stuck. You will never feel fully ready. What you need most is to take action. Take a step from where you are right now.
I am ready to take the next step!Still here? Let's break it all down week by week.

Week 1 - Openness.
The first module is designed to help you understand your destiny and rediscover your human potential.
You'll learn:
- The importance of awakening your dream and present it to the world.
- The importance of committing to your dream or vision for your life.
- How significant your thoughts are to reaching your potential and co-creating the life you truly desire.
- The mind body connection for health, wellness and materializing your heart’s desires.
- To open up to the possibilities that exist, beyond what you have allowed yourself to dream so far.
- Challenge the beliefs which hold you back from achieving your full potential.
- To love the life you live to co-create the life you desire and be who you are meant to be.

Week 2 - Clarity.
The second module is designed to help you apply your best thinking to clearly define what you want.
You'll learn:
- The importance of focus to achieve anything that we want in life.
- How to clearly define what you would really love.
- Tune in to what we want by being aware of our discontent, longing and regrets.
- How to manifest your gift and creating a life by design.
- The value of asking higher quality questions to get better results in your life.
- The power of your thoughts to create your reality.
- Inner hygiene - clearing the mind.

Week 3 - Congruence.
In the third module we are going to test out our vision and make sure it is congruent with who we are, with our values and priorities.
You'll learn:
- To align your thoughts, so they are congruent with your desires.
- To explore your beliefs about yourself and others.
- The importance of intentionally programming the subconscious mind.
- To examine how your beliefs are formed through your conditioned way of thinking.
- The concept of discipline and growth – everything in the Universe is either growing or dying.
- The importance of commitment and the power of decisions.
- That living life on purpose is about taking definitive action to turn your dreams into reality.

Week 4 - Confidence.
In the fourth module we explore the idea that confidence is having a feeling, or belief, of trust that you can create anything you set your mind to create.
You'll learn:
- The importance of shifting our perspective to establish greater confidence.
- To clear any limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
- Who you think you are, and begin to build the confidence to be who you want to be.
- To gain the support of the subconscious mind as a tool to build confidence.
- How developing new skills helps us build confidence in your abilities and helps propel you towards fulfilling your dreams.
- The power of creating habits.
- To develop an attitude of gratitude to increase your confidence in yourself and in your dreams.

Week 5 - Intention.
In the fifth module we learn about the driving force behind any endeavor or dream.
You'll learn:
- You have the freedom to choose the intentions for our life.
- The concept of designing a life worthy of you based on the questions you are willing to ask yourself.
- To explore the transformation happening around us and in our own lives.
- To ask for what you want to receive.
- the value of necessity and determination in the fulfillment of our desires.
- The importance of having a plan towards fulfilling your vision for living an extraordinary life.
- The cost of distractions in your life, as well as how to reduce them.

Week 6 - Courage.
In the sixth module we will investigate how to build courage and determination towards creating the life you want to live.
You'll learn:
- To create a new sense of awareness of your fears.
- That you are free to write your story any way you want.
- The importance of giving and dissolve the myth that you live in a world of scarcity.
- To dispel the notion of limitations and learn the value of perseverance in spite of perceptions.
- The importance of increasing your sense of deserving the life you want to live.
- To transform what might appear to be stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
- The importance of giving yourself permission to follow your dream.

Week 7 - Responsibility.
In the seventh module we explore the idea that how you choose to perceive what happens to you, and what you make of it, is your responsibility.
You'll learn:
- Your choice to act or not act, no matter how you feel.
- The principles of the harvest to gain an understanding of how they can apply in your life.
- The importance of hearing and listening to your intuitive guidance.
- To clear the clutter in your life to make space for what you really want.
- The importance of giving to activate the law of circulation in our lives.
- The power of liberating yourself through forgiveness.
- The importance of finding and surrounding yourself with people who see your vision, value your work and want to support you.

Week 8 - Presence.
In the eight module we will discuss the importance of being present and holding your vision. Being true to yourself.
You'll learn:
- About our relationship with expectations and anticipation.
- To explore the idea of meeting with the energy, or creative power, behind the Universe.
- To let go of our need to control the outcome and let go of the end result.
- To set our life on a path to experience more coincidences and use them as momentum to create more serendipitous moments.
- That time as we know it is a man-made illusion.
- About the frequency we are tuned into and consider our responsibility to change it.
- To practice self-love to learn to truly love beyond ourselves.

Week 9 - Discipline.
In the ninth module we discuss your responsibility for the actions you take and the level of energy you put out into the world.
You'll learn:
- The importance of taking immediate disciplined action.
- How to be disciplined about your level of energy.
- To ask more empowering questions.
- That doing your absolute best is relative.
- About our need for rest and the types of rest that truly refuels our energy.
- To see through any illusion, to see, and know ourselves.
- To be absolutely congruent with our values in all areas.

Week 10 - Commitment.
In the tenth, and last, module we focus on your commitment to living your extraordinary life.
You'll learn:
- To commit to the responsibility you hold in and for your life.
- To focus on the end of your life.
- To create a sense of urgency.
- To take action, even if it is not perfect.
- To create a mindset of persistently and consistently pursuing your dreams by quitting before we start.
- To commit to shifting our perception, emptying your cups, and challenge basic assumptions.
- To renew your commitment to growth.

12-weeks to discover.
Together, the program, group sessions and 1:1 private sessions, help you get clear on what you most long to be, do, have, create or express so you can create a life you love to wake up to every day.
You'll will have the tools to:
- Uncover the limiting beliefs that stand in your way.
- Shift your disempowering thoughts to more empowering ones.
- Gain greater certainty and insight.
- Increase confidence in your unique superpowers.
- Trust your voice of intuition.
- Look at life with more curiosity and playfulness to tap into creativity and joy.
Nothing has more power to shift your self-worth than investing in yourself.
I am ready to invest in myself!About Me
My name is Marie-Josee.
I am a mom of two beautiful girls, wife to an amazing husband, and creator of a life I absolutely love to wake up to every day.
We live part of the year on a beautiful island in the Caribbean called Montserrat, and the other part in Toronto, Canada.
I have a double-major in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario.
I spent the first half of my career in front of a computer screen saving companies time and money. Then, in 2016 my mother passed away prematurely of pancreatic cancer. They say that death spurs you into action. It is when you realize that your life is finite that you throw away all the reasons why not, and pursue all the reasons why.
I decided that life was meant to be lived. I now create online spaces where people can connect, practice spontaneity and authenticity through play to live an authentic life.
You get one chance at this life.
Live boldly. Live passionately. Live with purpose.
Live. Love. Laugh. It matters because YOU matter.
Are you ready?
If not now, then when? How much longer will you wait to create the lasting change needed in your life? Will you let another year slip away leaving next year to be the exact same as last year? Or will you invest in yourself and surround yourself with people ready to step to the next level?
Take the first step by filling out this form.
Let's talk! Let's figure out where you feel stuck and what you most desire to create. Schedule a call now.