Who is on your team?
Oct 14, 2022
I wanted to have a home birth for my first child.
I trusted birth. I trusted my body. I trusted life.
I didn't know about any of the options available when I started on this path, but as I trusted and kept my vision alive, the way revealed itself to me.
And fate introduced me to midwifery.
It was almost magical. Everything was falling into place.
Until it didn't.
Things started to go wrong. Not because of my health or any complications.
But because of my support team.
They weren't on the same wavelength as I was, and in the throws of labour, instead of feeling held and supported, I had to negotiate, explain and beg for everything I wanted and needed.
In the end, I chose to go to the hospital.
Clearly, my vision wasn't aligned with my birthing team's.
After the delivery, I even found out one person was praying for the birth not to happen at home.
Talk about incongruence.
And that's why it's so important to ensure that the people on your team -those who are there to support you, hear you and see you - have the same vision you do.
Otherwise, it makes it all the more complicated, if not impossible, to fulfill your vision.
So, who is on your team?
Who is listening to you, mirroring back to you your vision and supporting you to achieve it?
If you feel stuck, spinning your wheels, and unable to gain traction in your life, let's talk. Let's clarify your vision and define the first action step to take so you can start moving towards it.
Register for Incredible Insights here: https://awakken.as.me/transformational-coaching or schedule a private session here: https://www.awakken.com/lets-talk
Chances are, if you feel stuck, unheard or unsupported, you have come face to face with feelings of anger, shame or overwhelm. You might even have experienced mild depression.
Having the right support team will help you playfully and compassionately navigate the otherwise rough seas of emotions and use them to empower you to stand in your full voice and truth so you can claim your heart's deepest desires with less effort and more joy.
Much love,
Live. Love. Laugh. It matters because YOU matter.
Is there something holding you back? Do you feel stuck, ashamed, unlovable, unworthy or depressed? Do you long to transform your life and create what you truly desire most?
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