What needs your light right now?
Dec 08, 2023
Today I felt led to shine light on my confidence to be present and allow myself to move forward by myself. To let myself be my audience for the group of women I want to create who are passionate about creating a better world by assuming responsibility for who they are BEing.
My mom passed away of pancreatic cancer when she was only 58 and I believe her premature passing was due to generational chains - heavy beliefs - passed down to her that she could not shake off.
Too many women struggle with the need to prove themselves or earn the right to just take up space. They believe that working harder is the answer, but that just leads to burnout and self-loathing - never feeling enough.
It's not the answer. I believe that there is far too much rigidity in the world right now. Too much judgment. Too much seriousness. And when we allow ourselves to be ourselves, to focus on our desires, and who we want to be and the way we want to show up and the home (earth is home to all of us) we want to create, then that creates a MASSIVE ripple effect in the world.
The best way for me to BE myself right now, to simply BE without the need to accomplish or earn my right to take up space, is to doodle. That's what the picture is - a doodle that I love to do for no other reason than that I love to do it.
What would you love to create for no other reason than that you would love to see it created?
I am cheering you on!
Much love,
Live. Love. Laugh. It matters because YOU matter.
Is there something holding you back? Do you feel stuck, ashamed, unlovable, unworthy or depressed? Do you long to transform your life and create what you truly desire most?
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