I felt so stuck.
Nov 02, 2023
Do you ever feel stuck?
Do you know you are meant for so much more, but you can't seem to change your circumstances?
Do you want to reach higher, impact the world, or let go of the fear holding you back? But you don't know how?
It's not for lack of trying.
But what is that change worth to you? What would you give for your breakthrough?
Too often, we do not invest in ourselves because we haven't assigned a cost to our suffering—a cost to ourselves and our loved ones.
And suffering IS COSTLY.
You know it. And I can feel your pain. I see you trying to keep it all together but feeling like your wheels are spinning in the mud. I read your emails. I carry the sadness, shame and anger you feel.
Years ago, I was closely acquainted with the floor of my kitchen, struggling through bouts of depression. I know what suffering feels like.
Tara Brach says, "Pain is part of the human experience, but suffering is optional."
But what if suffering truly is optional?
What if the shift you crave only required a small investment in yourself?
What is it worth to step out of the darkness into the light of your true brilliance - the brilliance you have buried causing that suffering?
What are you willing to do to break free?
It makes sense, right? Think about who you want to be and who you are when you are alone. Then, think about how you end up reacting or showing up instead in difficult situations with difficult people.
We can't unravel that alone. We need community and support to process our emotions and habitual ways of being.
If you have been asking for more accountability and support, I hear you.
You know that I believe you are EXTRAORDINARY as you are right now. I believe in the power of your imagination, creativity, curiosity and playfulness to transform your life.
Now, this might not be for you. I don't want to waste your time.
Don't waste your time here. ☺
However, if there is any part of you leaning in, any part that knows you are ready to break free, step out of the goo, shine a little brighter, or feel a little more whole, then read on!
I don't know the price it will be next year.
Yes, you read that right. And yes, it's an incredible value to work with me for 12 months.
You can register to Women's Circle on my scheduler: https://awakken.as.me/ (while my site is down ☹)
Type FASTACTION in the coupon code section before Saturday, Nov 4, 2023, to take advantage of the fast action discount.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey this year!
Life. Love. Laugh. It matters because YOU matter.
Ps. Here's a sneak peak of the 12 areas/themes we'll cover over the year:
- Abundance
- Love
- Healing
- Joy
- Purpose
- Authenticity
- Connection
- Worth
- Money
- Intuition
- Confidence
- Crafting a new Story
You can still attend individual sessions, but the annual investment includes all the support and accountability you need.
Think about it, what is it worth to you to break through these areas this year? Priceless. Right? What I would have given 20 years ago for this level of connection, support, transformation and accountability. And I want that for you!
Is there something holding you back? Do you feel stuck, ashamed, unlovable, unworthy or depressed? Do you long to transform your life and create what you truly desire most?
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